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FoxG1 UK and Cope Foundation


7, Ashdale, Cobh, Cork - P24 V129

FoxG1 UK and Cope Foundation

FOXG1 Syndrome is a rare neuro-developmental disorder caused by a mutation/deletion of the FOXG1 gene, which impacts brain development and function. This severe condition is characterized by seizures, inability to control body movements, and lack of speech. While the spectrum of abilities is quite broad depending on the exact genetic mutation, many of our children cannot walk or talk, and they struggle to communicate their most basic daily needs.
At the moment Kian is the only diagnosed case in Ireland and worldwide there is only 281.

Developmental Symptoms
* Most children cannot sit or walk without assistance
* Most have near absence of speech and language skills
* Feeding problems (most are G-tube fed)
* Non-ambulatory or delayed gross and fine motor skills
* Limited purposeful use of hands
* Repetitive behaviors (hand washing, hand wringing, clasping hands)
* Irritability and excessive crying
* Poor eye contact
* Regression (very rare)
* Love of water and music

Cope Foundation
Cope Foundation is a non-profit organisation. Non-profit means that Cope Foundation works only to benefit the people it supports. Cope Foundation supports over 2,300 children and adults with intellectual disabilities and/or autism

I will be taking part in the cork mini marathon in aid of FoxG1 Uk and Cope Foundation. Money raised for FoxG1 will go towards research on the condition. Money raised for Cope will be donating to early intervention. Any donation is appreciated.
